Monday 29 July 2019

information about animals habitat thank you

how to make a nice cup of hot milo

Preparing a cup of milo 

Get a  cup 
Pour 3 teaspoons of milo into the cup
Add 2 teaspoons of surge into the cup
Put half a cup of fresh milk 
Add some hot water 
get a clean cup 
Put 3 teaspoons of milo 
Pour 2 teaspoons of  surge 
Add half a cup of hot water  
Top up the cup with fresh milk 
Mix milo and the surge well
Enjoy it 

Image result for a cup of miloHot milo can be best for cold morning.

Wednesday 3 July 2019

endangered animals

Mountain gorillas 

The mountain gorillas are large
and strong apes in their habitat
eastern gorillas has become the most
endangered gorillas because their
habitat has been cleared for farms
and ranches.
There  are about 790 mountain
gorillas who lived in the virunga
mountains of east central africa. 
Half of the mountain gorillas used to live in bwindi impenetrable national park in uganda. The other group of mountain gorilla is spread over three national parks in virungas mountain region of democratic republic of congo, uganda and rwanda.Image result for mountain gorilla

classification of animals

Fish are cold blooded
Fish live in water 
Fish has fins not legs
Fish breathe in water 
Fish take oxygen from water
through  their gills instead of
Fish lay their eggs in water   

Image result for fish

Birds are warm blooded 
Birds have breaks
Birds have two leg 
Birds have wings to fly 
Birds lay egg in their nest 
Image result for bird

Reptiles are cold blooded 
Reptiles have Scales
Reptiles have
hole ears not ear 
Reptiles has dry skin 
They can live on land 
Some reptiles can have
legs and some don’t
Image result for crocodile 
  Image result for turtle

Molluscs are cold blooded 
Some can live in land
and some can live in water 
They have soft bodies
Some have a Shell out of
their body
 they have tentacles instead
of arms and legs 
They lay eggs 

Image result for octopus

They do not have a backbone. 
They hatch from eggs.
They are mainly arthropods.
 Image result for spider spiderImage result for insect

Amphibians are cold blooded 
They live on land and water 
They lay egg 
They have moist skin 
They have webbed feet.

Image result for frog